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Monday - Friday at 9:00 a.m.

Saturday at 4:30 p.m.

Sunday at 9:00 a.m.

Mission Statement

We, the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Bernard, Springfield, Ohio, enriched by tradition in our community since 1860, seek to live and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through worshipping, education, serving and evangelizing. In worshipping, we gather to grow in holiness through sacramental living. In educating, we provide lifelong faith enrichment. In serving, we reach out to those in need. In evangelizing, we give witness to our faith.


Just Visiting?

Welcome, we're happing to have you joining us!

I'm New New Parishioner Registration Form

We appreciate you remembering your parish with your weekly donations by mailing them to or dropping them off at the Parish Office. The generosity of your support is SINCERELY APPRECIATED and a BLESSING to the Parish! God bless you all.

St. Bernard Community Snapshot

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